Some suggestions to deal with the Rate limit crisis ...
Useful links:
Useful Solutions to consider:
1. Try 1 api request per minute seems like its not causing anymore 429 error so I think this would be a good idea
2. This issue seems to be related to the amount of context being sent to the API every time. The further you get in a conversation the more context there is, and by default Anthropic imposes a limit of 40,000 tokens up (though it seems like you have 80,000 somehow).
One potential fix for this would be to just have Cline auto retry when it gets a rate limit error.
2.1 Another would be to make it so that Cline heavily truncates the amount of context being sent back to the API (I believe Cursor and Windsurf do this). Neither solution is perfect though. Truncating the context leads to far more bad outcomes; while an auto-retry means that you're going to be sitting there and waiting a while for your response.
3. I am not hitting rate limit issues with
4. You can use the open router of claude sonnet 3.5. The limit is gone.
5. For how long and how many repeated attemps to edit it? It is collecting context for the whole time. If you ask it to change something 30times in small file it can be hunded or thousands of tokens because the previous context. If I just cut the task into smaller ones i do not hit any limit of course.
It looks like a lot of people have absolutely no idea how LLM AI works.
6. For me it is failing inly when I go over 2USD in total price for current task. For several steps it is ok and then it starts limiting, but really if I wait for 5 minutes it is doable (just few times I hit the 200k token limit).
7. I think the best solution is to create a wait/sleep option on cline that when it receives this error, it waits for 60 seconds and try again.
Useful links:
Useful Solutions to consider:
1. Try 1 api request per minute seems like its not causing anymore 429 error so I think this would be a good idea
2. This issue seems to be related to the amount of context being sent to the API every time. The further you get in a conversation the more context there is, and by default Anthropic imposes a limit of 40,000 tokens up (though it seems like you have 80,000 somehow).
One potential fix for this would be to just have Cline auto retry when it gets a rate limit error.
2.1 Another would be to make it so that Cline heavily truncates the amount of context being sent back to the API (I believe Cursor and Windsurf do this). Neither solution is perfect though. Truncating the context leads to far more bad outcomes; while an auto-retry means that you're going to be sitting there and waiting a while for your response.
3. I am not hitting rate limit issues with
4. You can use the open router of claude sonnet 3.5. The limit is gone.
5. For how long and how many repeated attemps to edit it? It is collecting context for the whole time. If you ask it to change something 30times in small file it can be hunded or thousands of tokens because the previous context. If I just cut the task into smaller ones i do not hit any limit of course.
It looks like a lot of people have absolutely no idea how LLM AI works.
6. For me it is failing inly when I go over 2USD in total price for current task. For several steps it is ok and then it starts limiting, but really if I wait for 5 minutes it is doable (just few times I hit the 200k token limit).
7. I think the best solution is to create a wait/sleep option on cline that when it receives this error, it waits for 60 seconds and try again.
Some suggestions to deal with the Rate limit crisis ...
Useful links:
Useful Solutions to consider:
1. Try 1 api request per minute seems like its not causing anymore 429 error so I think this would be a good idea
2. This issue seems to be related to the amount of context being sent to the API every time. The further you get in a conversation the more context there is, and by default Anthropic imposes a limit of 40,000 tokens up (though it seems like you have 80,000 somehow).
One potential fix for this would be to just have Cline auto retry when it gets a rate limit error.
2.1 Another would be to make it so that Cline heavily truncates the amount of context being sent back to the API (I believe Cursor and Windsurf do this). Neither solution is perfect though. Truncating the context leads to far more bad outcomes; while an auto-retry means that you're going to be sitting there and waiting a while for your response.
3. I am not hitting rate limit issues with
4. You can use the open router of claude sonnet 3.5. The limit is gone.
5. For how long and how many repeated attemps to edit it? It is collecting context for the whole time. If you ask it to change something 30times in small file it can be hunded or thousands of tokens because the previous context. If I just cut the task into smaller ones i do not hit any limit of course.
It looks like a lot of people have absolutely no idea how LLM AI works.
6. For me it is failing inly when I go over 2USD in total price for current task. For several steps it is ok and then it starts limiting, but really if I wait for 5 minutes it is doable (just few times I hit the 200k token limit).
7. I think the best solution is to create a wait/sleep option on cline that when it receives this error, it waits for 60 seconds and try again.
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