Cline's only probelm thus far has been the rate limiting with the message :

API Request Failed
429 {"type":"error","error":{"type":"rate_limit_error","message":"This request would exceed your organization’s rate limit of 40,000 input tokens per minute. For details, refer to:; see the response headers for current usage. Please reduce the prompt length or the maximum tokens requested, or try again later. You may also contact sales at to discuss your options for a rate limit increase."}}

Seems to be a issue all around with many suggestions somethat work some that don't and some that work for a while and then crash out again. Have you tried Cline + VS Code ? WHat did you do to deal ith the mess of Rate Limits ?
Cline's only probelm thus far has been the rate limiting with the message : API Request Failed 429 {"type":"error","error":{"type":"rate_limit_error","message":"This request would exceed your organization’s rate limit of 40,000 input tokens per minute. For details, refer to:; see the response headers for current usage. Please reduce the prompt length or the maximum tokens requested, or try again later. You may also contact sales at to discuss your options for a rate limit increase."}} Seems to be a issue all around with many suggestions somethat work some that don't and some that work for a while and then crash out again. Have you tried Cline + VS Code ? WHat did you do to deal ith the mess of Rate Limits ?
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